The Best Guide to Sound Effects, Synths and Software Synthesizers - VST and MIDI
If you boost the synthesizer to the place where it clips and removes part of the audio range, then you have pushed the signal of the synthesizer over the limit. In essence, what you have done is created distortion.
This is a very popular effect when utilized on electric guitars. In addition to this, you can create additional harmonics by distorting signals in the frequency range. You may also hear distortion being referred to as overdrive. These effects are really not used a lot because it creates a distasteful clipping of the signal, but the creative individual can produce some interesting outcomes.
Phasers can be utilized in various stages like 2, 4,8,16 or higher. The signal will be more effective with the increased numbers of stages being used. Phasing means the signal passes through an all pass filter. When this happen you get highs and lows or peaks and notches within the frequency spectrum. If it's a moving effect you want, then the LFO has to sweep the comb filter. This puts forth the standard phaser sound.
If you turn up the flanging signal too high, it resonates to an unacceptable level. You can modify flanging by simply changing the sweeping delay rate along with the feedback and signal depth. This is just like the chorus and phaser effects. The flanger is similar to the artificial chorus and phaser techniques. Originally, you could produce a sweeping effect of the signals as they became out of sync with each other. This could only be done by a tiny amount, and it was produced by decreasing two identical reel tapes. This is similar in artificial flanging. It consists of multiplying the single and constantly changing the delay between the signals at the rate of being within milliseconds. Once this happens, it will sound like a jet plane. As the harmonic bumps and dips of the signal are in series with one another, it creates a comb filter effects.
With delay effects, you can utilize some really unique methods like creating feedback loops, which will constantly run. You can achieve this by reversing the delay playback. Delay is also called echo and is a very common effects factor in sound synthesis. All it is is copying the synthesizers original sound then playing it many times between the different time spans.
If you create sound in a big room, it will reverberate because of the size of the room.
This is similar with reverb when it comes to sound synthesis. It is one of the oldest effects to be used and was once created by plates and springs manually. Now it is created by digital means. Close simulations of room sizes and using delays is the method used today. This creates the illusion of sound hitting the hearing of the listener, then right after the reverberation effect is heard.